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Data Privacy Consent Form Privacy policy All users


Philippine Science High School (PSHS) is aware of the need to keep the personal data of its stakeholders (e.g., students, alumni, applicants) private and secured for purely legitimate purposes.  This legitimate purpose is in accordance with our mandate and duties under Republic Act No. 8496 as amended by Republic Act 9036.

Our goal is to comply with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA) and cooperate fully with the National Privacy Commission (NPC).  We value your privacy as much as we value ours.  Our commitment to providing quality education to our students is as important as our commitment in keeping your personal data safe.  We are aware that personal data comprises one’s identity and in this modern times, personal and sensitive information’s confidentiality is of utmost importance.

Please note that the terms “personal data” and “information” are used interchangeably.  When we talk about “personal data,” the term includes the concepts of personal information, sensitive personal information, and privileged information.  The first two are typically used to distinctively identify you.  For their exact definitions, you may refer to the DPA.

Full policy



Processing of Personal Data

A.   Collection of Information

We collect your personal data that includes those you provide us during your application for National Competitive Exam (NCE), admission, information we acquire or generate upon enrolment and during the course of your stay with us.

1.   Information you provide us during your application for NCE

Upon application for NCE, we collect information about personal circumstances and contact information such as but not limited to name, home/residence addresses, parent’s email addresses, telephone number/mobile numbers and other contact details, family history, previous schools attended, emergency contact information, academic performance, disciplinary record, medical record, and others.

2.    Information we get and generate upon enrolment and during the course of your stay with us

Upon enrollment and during your stay with us, we confirm/collect information that you have previously submitted upon your application for NCE so that we get updated information such as but not limited to name, home/residence addresses, parent’s email addresses, telephone number/mobile numbers, emergency contact information, and others. We will also collect data for and concerning co-curricular matters, such as organizations where you are affiliated, leadership positions, participation, and attendance in competitions and other related school programs. We will also be collecting information connected to the disciplinary incidents, including accompanying sanctions that you may be involved in. Information about the students’ medical (physical and psychological) history and assessments and interventions undergone will also be collected.          

B.   Access to Information

Your personal information is accessed and used by PSHS, specifically the Admissions Office (AO), Knowledge and Innovation Division (KID), Research Policy and Academics Division (RPAD), and the Main Campus (MC) personnel who have a legitimate interest in it to carry out their mandated duties in connection with providing you quality education in PSHS. 

We use and share your information as permitted or required by law and PSHS’s education-related mandate including a variety of administrative, historical, and statistical purposes. 

Below are specific situations when we will use your information to pursue our legitimate interest as an educational institution created by law:

  1.  Processing and evaluation of the application for NCE; 
  2. Processing confirmation of incoming students (who passed the NCE) and transfer students from a different PSHS campus to prepare for enrollment; 
  3. Assessing students’ academic performance, especially outputs that contain or inquire about personal information; 
  4. Recording, generating, and maintaining student records of academic progress, attendance, and deportment; 
  5. Establishing and maintaining student information systems; 
  6. Accessing the school’s Learning Management System/s (LMS), Google applications, and other official online collaboration and productivity platforms (We adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA), and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations for data collection through international online platforms. We share the students’ names with Google as our third-party service provider, but we have policies in place to protect them from risks.) 
  7. Accessing the school library’s Google Site that provides students access to the bibliographic databases of publications where the school has existing subscriptions; 
  8. Holding classes, exams, orientation, events, and meetings relating to any curricular or extra-curricular events organized and sanctioned by the school, either done face-to-face or online; 
  9. Sharing of grades between and among faculty members and other authorized employees with a legitimate official need for academic deliberations (e.g., case conferences, case management, scholarship committee meetings, graduation, etc.);
  10. Processing scholarship and college applications/documents, grants, and other forms of assistance and requests for leave of absence, voluntary withdrawal, school transfers, and others; 
  11. Investigating incidents that relate to student behavior and implementing disciplinary measures; 
  12. Maintaining directories and alumni records; compiling and generating reports for statistical and research purposes;
  13. Providing online or in-person services such as health, counseling, information technology, library, sports/recreation, transportation, safety, and security; 
  14. Managing and controlling access to campus facilities and equipment; 
  15. Communicating official announcements and sharing promotional materials regarding school-related functions, events, projects, and activities on all official bulletin boards and social media and communication platforms (e.g., Google Site, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.); 
  16. Soliciting your participation in research and non-commercial surveys that were approved by the Management and would benefit the school’s stakeholders; 
  17. Analyzing the results of written tests, examinations, and assessments that reflect personal data to improve school programs and functions; and 
  18. Screening and ranking qualified students based on the criteria for dorm accommodation for the school year and ensuring their safety while staying in the dorm.
C.   Sharing of Information

Below are specific situations when we may share or disclose your personal information to others: 

  1. Posting of acceptance to colleges/universities, including overall percentage ratings achieved by the school that may reflect the student’s name on school bulletin boards and campus websites; 
  2. Posting of class lists and class schedules on school bulletin boards or other places within the campus and the school’s official website; 
  3. Sharing of information to persons, including parents, guardians, or next of kin, as required by law or on a need-to-know basis as determined by the school to promote your best interests, protect your health, safety, and security, or that of others; 
  4. Providing academic institutions, companies, government agencies, private or public corporations, or the like, upon their request, with contact information, general weighted average (GWA), scholastic ranking information, certification of good moral character, or other information for purposes of admission, application for the Student Internship Program (SIP), and engagement in other school-sanctioned curricular and extra-curricular events in collaboration with them; 
  5. Sharing information to potential donors, funders, or benefactors for purposes of scholarship, grants, and other forms of assistance; 
  6. Distributing and displaying the list of graduates and awardees and showing pictures of the students during moving up ceremonies, toast to excellence, and commencement exercises
  7. Reporting and/or disclosing information to the National Privacy Commission and other government bodies or agencies (e.g., Commission on Higher Education, Department of Education); 
  8. Sharing of information for ranking purposes; 
  9. Responding to inquiries verifying that you are a bona fide student or graduate of the school with corresponding degree/s earned and honor/s when applicable; 
  10. Conducting research or surveys for purposes of institutional development; 
  11. Sharing your directory information to the school’s alumni association which reflects your name, degree/s and honor/s earned, contact information as well as such other personal information that will enable your identity to be verified; 
  12. Publishing academic, co-curricular, and extra-curricular achievements and success, including honors lists and names of awardees in school bulletin boards, websites, social media sites, and publications; 
  13. Applying for competitions, seminars, and training where you may belong; 
  14. Sharing your academic accomplishments or honors and co-curricular or extracurricular achievements with schools you graduated from or were previously enrolled in, upon their request; 
  15. Marketing or advertising to promote the school, including its activities and events, through photos, videos, brochures, website posting, newspaper advertisements, physical and electronic bulletin boards, and other media; 
  16. Publishing communications with journalistic content, such as news information in PSHS’ publications, social media sites, and news and media organizations; 
  17. Live streaming of school events; and 18.Complying with court orders, subpoenas, and/or other legal obligations. 

D.   Data Protection

We shall implement acceptable and appropriate organizational, physical, and technical security measures to protect the personal data that we collected.

These protection steps shall maintain personal data availability, integrity, and confidentiality against accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration, disclosure, and processing. 

Your personal data will only be accessed by our authorized personnel/personal information processors who hold them under strict confidentiality. We shall restrict access to information to anyone who wants to obtain such data without justifiable reason.

Any security breach incident about said personal data that comes to our knowledge would immediately be acted upon as the law mandated. PSHS will take the necessary steps to address said breach and mitigate its adverse effects. If there is a strong belief that an incident affects your personal data, PSHS will notify you of such an incident appropriately.

E.   Confidentiality

After completing the required years of stay and academic requirements in PSHS and being an alumnus, your personal information will remain private and confidential. PSHS personnel shall operate and hold personal data under strict confidentiality.          

F.   Right to Privacy

As provided by the Act, you may object to the processing of your personal data, request to access your personal information, and/or have it corrected, erased, or blocked on reasonable grounds. For your rights as a data subject, you can get in touch with our Data Privacy Officer at the contact details below or at the National Privacy Commission at PSHS will take note of your request and shall reserve the right to deal with the matter in accordance with the law. 

G.   Right to Damages

The data subject shall be indemnified for any damages sustained due to such inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, false, unlawfully obtained, or unauthorized use of personal data, taking into account any violation of his or her rights and freedoms as a data subject  

H.   Contact Information

For your concerns regarding your privacy rights, the Consent Form, or any matter regarding the Data Privacy Act of 2012, you may contact our Campus Compliance Officer or the PSHSS Data Protection Officer through the following details:

          The PSHSS Data Protection Officer (DPO) 

Telephone Number: (02) 8939-7747 

Campus Compliance Officer for Privacy (COP) 
Telephone Number: (02) 8929-1606


I have read this form, understood its contents, and consent to the processing of my personal data. I understand that my consent does not preclude the existence of situations/scenarios for lawful processing of personal data and does not waive any of my rights under the Data Privacy Act of 2012.